Whole Class Ensemble Teaching

With Southwark Music, every child in your school can experience inclusive, high-quality music-making and performances.
Specialist Tutors, Resources and Instruments
Our experienced music tutors design relevant WCET programmes for your school. Tutors will provide access to all teaching and learning resources and Southwark Music will provide the instruments for your children to play. All tutors are observed and assessed regularly by Southwark Music.

Choice & Cost
From dynamic African Drumming to orchestral Woodwind; Samba to Ukulele, Brass and more; Southwark Music provides a wide choice of fun packed musical lessons for all year groups across the year or term. See our WCET What We Can Offer guide for more on choice and pricing.

Talk to Us
We’d love to discuss your school’s music provision further and help tailor our WCET to your musical needs. Download our Whole Class Ensemble Tuition guide and contact Joe Thorp, WCET Manager, for more information.