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Curriculum Partnership Programme

Our carefully selected specialist music tutors provide consistently excellent curriculum music lessons for Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils. Our specialists deliver a comprehensive music curriculum scheme of work incorporating the flexibility to reflect your school’s topics and core beliefs.

Tutor, staff training and instruments

Your music tutor is trained, mentored and assessed regularly by Southwark Music. Our tutors attend regular CPD sessions and have access to constantly updated resources. Your school would be offered an annual Music in the Classroom CPD for all of your class teachers.

Southwark Music provide a loan of percussion instruments worth £800 for the children to play in lessons.

Cost and Lesson Times

This carefully tailored programme will cost the school £1200/year. The music tutor will charge the school and we recommend a rate of £42.80/hr.

The size of your school and year groups will help dictate the amount of music lessons you have – most schools choose between 1-3 days of music lessons a week. We recommend the following lesson lengths: 45mins for EYFS, 45-50mins for KS1, 50-60mins for KS2.

Talk to Us

We’d love to discuss your school’s music provision further and help tailor the CPP to your musical needs.

Download our Curriculum Partnership Programme guide and contact Fiona Fraser, Curriculum Manager, for more information.