Mini Music Makers
Mini Music Makers
Start your child’s musical journey with this fun filled 45-minute music making session for ages 4-6 years.
Children will explore a range of musical instruments; get creative with musical games and enjoy singing together with our dedicated teacher.
There are limited spaces available.
Mini Music Makers Payment
When you have received your unique reference number, click the link below to make a payment.
Do not pay until your child has been offered a place at the Saturday Centre and has been issued with a unique reference number!
Cost £60 per child
Saturday - 9.30-10.10am and 10.10-10.50am.
The cost of the sessions is currently £60 payable at the start of each term.
If you have any concerns about your ability to pay, please talk to us in confidence.
If you have any further queries about the centre or wish to discuss any aspect of its work and its suitability for your child, please contact [email protected].
Southwark Saturday Music Centre, St. Saviour's & St. Olave's School, New Kent Road, London, SE1 4AN
First day of term for Mini Music Makers
Lesson times
Mini Music Makers 1
Mini Music Makers 2